Slugs are rampant in some areas this year. Here are two photos of a field, taken ten feet from one another; the first without slug bait, the second without.
Bobby Clark and others have done a lot of work to find that Deadline slug bait is effective at 10 lbs/ac. Lannate was recently labeled for slug control at 1.5 pints/ac. Work in Maryland found that 30% N in a 1:1 water solution at 20 G/ac sprayed at night can also be effective. Sluggo is another product that may prove effective. The use of a starter or pop-up fertilizer and row cleaners may help the corn get a quicker start, outpacing slug injury, and reducing the immediate habitat around corn seedlings. Finally, vertical tillage is being evaluated to alter the environment harboring slugs.
Let me know if we can help you evaluate your slug management needs.